Tag Archives: healing

Day 55 #600DayDiary : When a distraction can be a very positive thing. #healing #choices

Have you ever felt symptoms, not been quite sure of what was wrong & before you’re even really aware, your mind has begun to present different scenarios of what it could be?20140903-155430-57270311.jpg
Well before going down too far down that slippery slope, I noticed this morning that “something didn’t feel right”. For about 10 days now I’ve been getting a light tightness in my right chest, on & off. I’d had a chat with my doctor earlier this week and she’d mentioned that anytime now, I could choose to reduce the anti-inflammatory tablets I’ve been taking.
I’ve never been one to like to take tablets, so I took this new odd symptom as a good reminder and yesterday – I stopped taking the Diclofenac.
Then this morning I gently walked into town alone (about 1 mile) and part way in, I realised I didn’t feel “great” – I couldn’t clearly define what or why. Tingling, odd sensation in my foot/leg, general discomfort, rather than pain.
I realised I didn’t feel confident walking back ( up to now I have been noticing great improvements & am usually more than capable of walking that distance).
I was really unsure – were these physical symptoms I needed to heed or psychological ones because I knew I’d stopped taking the tablets for example?

I realised what I needed was a positive distraction!
my reason for walking in to town was already to meet a great friend for a coffee and once we’d caught up & spent some time together, I told her how I was feeling. I shared, more then I usually would, I told her I was worried about the walk home & was considering getting a taxi (!!!?)

Then, I took an important step for myself (excuse the pun!), I told her what help I would really appreciate. I asked her if she’d mind accompanying me on the walk home. (The opposite direction for her).

I knew, that if I had her company, I would manage the walk and wanted to prove it to myself – her company & support meant a lot and our conversation along the way, also provided a lovely distraction from my symptoms.


Day 35 #600DayDiary : Sleeping for healing

Short & sweet today …. It’s been lovely & sunny – so I tried a longer walk to see how my body would react and understand my limits.

It was lovely being outside in the sunshine & with the grass & trees πŸ˜€
However, when I got home, I couldn’t face my lunch … I felt overwhelmingly tired and had to take a nap

This isn’t like me and was quite a shock … It took me a while to realise after my 2 hr nap … That my body required the sleep to rest & heal.
It was making it’s boundaries & current limits pretty clear πŸ˜€


I had a pretty nice dream too, of my favourite gelataria in Rome … Can you consume calories by eating dream ice cream? πŸ˜€


Day 32 #600DayDiary : Looking forward to meeting …

It’s Saturday … How do you choose to spend your Saturday?
I guess it can be influenced by how you have spent your Friday night πŸ˜‰
Are you an early bird? A night owl? A party animal? πŸ˜€
Last night was a friends leaving do. He’s a great guy & I really see him achieving professional success as well as enjoying life experiences – I wanted to join the gathering to wish him well πŸ˜€

20140802-193250-70370282.jpgI headed out late (10pmish – so British late, not European late πŸ™‚ ) and we joined the group – I was quite impressed by how coherent they all were, given they’d been out since 4:30pm πŸ˜€

How does this relate to my theme today?
Well, I wanted to go out … However I was exhausted & in a bit of pain and discomfort. I guess I had overdone it and needed a quiet night in & rest … But I wanted to join Tom’s send off before he moved to London!


So … I tried on a few outfits. Some favourites, some ‘ole faithfuls’ and even a dress I’d only bought a few months ago, which at the time was pushing my boundaries!

20140802-193353-70433134.jpgAs I tried these clothes on, I realised a lot of them no longer suited me or fitted me in the same way.

As part of my approach to getting better, I’ve been taking better care of myself holistically and well … I’ve lost weight πŸ™‚ And, I guess a nice side effect of regularly doing my physio is that
I am still exercising in some form, every day! Ok maybe not high intensity – however – very regularly & with determination.

My shape is changing and last night I realised, my face shape is changing too.

So, in amongst the perennial question of “what to wear?” πŸ˜€ a thought crept into my mind …. I wonder what I will look like as this journey progresses and I continue & build up the levels of exercise – alongside my own nutritional beliefs & preferences?
Hence the heading ….. Looking forward to meeting …ME !

Gentle, gradual, fun evolution internally & externally …. I like that πŸ˜€

In the end I chose a dress I felt relaxed & feminine in. My intention was to join a celebration – mix with the crowd & wish Tom well.
So I chose more muted olives,browns & a hint of orange and a slight sparkle with a bracelet. I’ll save my fab purple dress for another time πŸ˜‰

So Saturday? Well, I required to rest. I didn’t want to – I had ideas & plans … However (thankfully) I listened to my body. I rested. Caught up on a few things, did a GREAT physio workout πŸ˜€
At 5pm it was suddenly so bright & sunny, that I decided to go for a short walk … Bumping into a fab friend I haven’t seen for ages & meeting her lovely boyfriend for the first time.

Listening to your body, going with the flow …. Nice when we remember to do that instead of pressing on regardless! πŸ™‚ xx

Day 25 #600DayDiary : @BarefootFest – gong bath, t’ai chi, singing & burlesque :)

What a magical, relaxing, friendly, healing jam packed Barefoot day! πŸ™‚

Today, we got up at 6:30am and got ready to head over to Barefoot Festival nestled in the grounds of Prestwold Hall, Loughborough.

20140728-205405-75245240.jpg We were covering the festival on behalf of Radio Warwickshire and once I’m done editing, I’ll be adding more onto my Mixcloud profile as well as weaving clips into RW shows!

It was my first visit to Barefoot and I was drawn to the ethos & description of the festival. As their website says: Barefoot Festivalβ„’ is all about getting back to basics, getting grass in between your toes and taking time out from the pressures of modern life! Try something you’ve never done before, spend quality time with the family, meet like minded new friends. You won’t find big fancy sponsors at Barefoot Festivalβ„’, we’re a grassroots community gathering and all profits are ploughed right back into improving the facilities at our events. Relax, unwind and refresh yourself with a weekend in the beautiful great British countryside!
Having just recently dodged surgery, this appealed on a personal level, as well as wanting to explore & report back for others!
I have to be careful & look after myself as I continue to heal naturally …. How perfect then, that I was able to be supported & driven to the festival by my amazing sister (thanks Jenny! ❀ )

We arrived (smoothly & lovely friendly atmosphere straight away), just in time to join the gong bath

20140728-210105-75665970.jpg Lying there, allowing waves of sound to wash over me – I already knew I was in the right place πŸ™‚

It’s a small intimate festival and has been going for 5 years, with people telling me they already look forward to meeting up with their “Barefoot friends” each year.

We tried t’ai chi next with Nick Cheang from the Master Ding Academy

Something I definitely want to explore again in the future. And Nick had such a warm funny teaching style.

Everyone we met was lovely, relaxed, laid back and the festival felt really well organised.

I joined the vocal workshop next led by Sound Code Sirius
The photo header on this post is of that workshop, which took me by surprise. I’d thought it was going to be a vocal workshop, learning more about singing …. It was actually an introduction to their world music & some beautiful chants. I felt so relaxed at the end and look forward to hearing more from them.
After exploring (and buying a few things! πŸ˜€ ) it was time to push our boundaries and head to the Big Top for the 4pm Burlesque Workshop lead by

It was such a great way to sample so many different experiences & plenty of opportunities to relax & unwind or be more active in some of the other areas.
All I can say is …. Grab your friends, tent, yoga mat and get there next year!
A great festival that stays true to it’s essence.
And yes …. I was barefoot most of the day πŸ˜€

Day 17 – Gratitude, Sunshine, Physiotherapy & Meditation – nice blend :)

Wow, today it’s warm here!
And it’s interesting what can happens to emotions when the temperature rises and we aren’t at a beach or lazing by a pool πŸ˜‰
People can get flustered & frazzled.
I’m around family again today and it’s lovely, I’m so grateful. Grateful for the healing support from my family & employer and for actually getting to enjoy this summer πŸ˜€

However, when my family suggested a stroll in the sun into town this morning, I realised that wasn’t what I wanted. I love being with them, however I knew I wanted to carry out my physio exercises and enjoy some space. It was all perfect, they went off to explore (as they are just visiting) and I did my exercises & actually followed up with this meditation Chakra Healing & Balancing

20140718-181922-65962529.jpgThey just returned home as I had completed all I wanted & so I felt happy & balanced πŸ˜€ 20140718-181453-65693821.jpg
I mention this, as not so long ago, I would have probably gone along with the majority & ignored/not even listened to what I wanted.

This way – we all had a great start to the day & really enjoyed spending lunchtime together.

Tonight …. It’s the Post Performance party with TEATRO
Looking forward to going …. Hoping I don’t melt πŸ˜€


Day 8 – Yaaaaay!!! Happy!! Sunshine, scents & fantastic news!

What a day! O_o πŸ˜€

This morning I felt uneasy & restless, knowing I had a specialist appointment this evening. I also had a work related assignment to complete – I could have asked for an extension, given my circumstances, however I’d told myself I’d manage little bits each day ( ❓ not quite sure what I was thinking there, when I struggle to spend long periods in any suitable typing position :developer: ❓ ) Anyway!

I chose to focus on my assignment today, in order to distract my mind from swirling around the looming topic of surgery at my 6pm appt.

Easier said than done at the best of times! However I kept reminding myself of the mantra from my university & CIMA studying days : “ATQ” – Answer The Question (also “ATFQ”!)
I worked with focus (occasional tangents, but mostly pretty good!) as I knew the real purpose here was to keep my mind occupied.
ATQ is just such a good thing to remember in general though – how often are we asked one thing and offer a response that answers and then also goes on to try to demonstrate we know more or something new!

Digressing again πŸ™‚


I went to my appointment, with the specialist who’d told me on my last visit that I would def require surgery and that I had a surgery date booked.
Tonight he said he was really impressed & surprised by my improvement and was happy to admit that in this case, he was wrong. It looked like I do not need the surgery and should continue what I’ve been doing, to heal naturally. πŸ˜€ He said that I’d been gifted a lucky escape and (my favourite part πŸ˜‰ ) that a ‘lesser mortal’ may not have been so lucky πŸ˜€ ❀
I have a way to go, however this is still fabulous news and I feel very grateful xxx

It was a sheer delight to get back from the appointment in the sunshine and do my physio exercises outside on the grass again, in the sunshine, smelling the scents of the grass and the gorgeous lavender growing nearby.
